Senslight The different versions
We make available several versions of the template in order to satisfy the maximum number of people. For more information, please visit the forum.
The free version
- slider on the home using plugin bxslider
- new element called dynamic element background 100% 
- new element called Responsive element panel
- default element text
- Parallax safe element 
- MicroVinc tooltipster element (for more info)
- iframe (google map) anti scrolling element
- element Font awesome model 1 of Microvinc (for more info)
- slideOpener element (see the googlemap part to understand its used)
- 3 photo galleries with specific settings and swipebox element new version of Dmit
- guestbook of MicroVinc (for more infos)

You can download the free version without any constraint or worry.
The file is in zip format and has been scanned by 2 antivirus engines. It is hosted on a private server.

Requests and returns can be made directly via this forum page.
For the various tutorials in progress, you can go on this page of the forum.

Link to download the free version.
Full version + Premium
The full version also includes:
- New element called microVinc scrollreveal (for more infos)
- Disqus for comments section of articles (multi languages supported + tutorial for creating an account) 
- New flexslider element from Dmit specially developed for different projects
- New item called shuffle Right container for one of the photo galleries 
- New guestbook of Nico38 modified specifically for the template

To benefit from the full version, it is necessary to pay by Paypal.
In the interests of fairness to the various stakeholders and participants, we felt it was important to offer a price that was accessible to all.
Those taking this complete version will receive by mail the link to retrieve the template as well as the different procedures (in progress) for certain elements or settings as disqus.

Requests and returns can be made directly via the forum page or by mail. For the various tutorials in progress, you can go on this page of the forum, some tutorials will be sent directly by mail.

version premium : 
- Privileged support and upgraded by email.
- Help with the different settings for all elements for 1 month by the team.
- Before optimized elements or relevant addition.

Element Guestbook
We have developed a specific element for a guest book with management on an administrator page (login + mdp).
It is possible to validate and / or delete a comment. This item can be purchased separately.

Disqus Element
We have also made it possible to develop and integrate a set of code for comment management with Disqus. It is possible to take only this option to buy that part set up (one page + 1 article) as well as the complete procedure of creation for the continuation.

To access the online payment, go to this page.
We also introduced a line for those who would only take the free version but would like to support all those involved in the development of the template. Thanks to them.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us via the form above.
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Template by Sensode